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An enormous revolution is unfolding in the workplace, from Zoom to AI. The rise of digital technology, combined with the pandemic, has altered the standards of jobs. But there is probably a more significant change: the emergence of a new generation.

Generation Z, or Gen Z, was born between 1995 and 2009 and now accounts for approximately 2 billion of the world’s population. By 2025, they are predicted to make up 27% of the workforce. This might accelerate the changes to work as we know it, as firms try to recruit and keep new employees.

Understanding Gen Z’s work ways

The BBC recently reported on the findings of the UK’s largest-ever survey of Generation Z (the generation following the Millennials, whose members are currently under the age of 22), which revealed a significant gap between what this generation thinks and feels and how older generations perceive them. This report also indicates that Gen-Zers were considerably more concerned about prejudice against LGBTQ+ persons, gender equality, and racism than earlier generations.

Generation Z in the workplace prefers stability, technological savvy, and long-term employability for financial security. Unlike millennials, they grew up as digital natives, making them very tech-savvy and hungry for technology developments that increase productivity. Despite the trend towards remote work, Generation Z appreciates varied workplaces and prioritises in-person employment for social contacts and mentorship possibilities. They also look for organisations with strong ideals, especially those that have a good impact on the world. Employers must understand these preferences in order to recruit Gen Z talent, which includes flexible hiring practices, open communication, and a commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

To recruit and keep Gen Z employees, organisations must bridge the gap by understanding their specific demands and motivations. This includes addressing issues such as empathy, mental health support, and the significance of employment to personal identity. Employers may build a more engaging and supportive work environment for Gen Z by establishing a culture of reverse mentoring, encouraging generational linkages, and actively including Gen Z in designing the future workplace culture.

The Future of Work

As we learn about the interests and behaviours of our current workforce employees, we must also consider how “work” is changing and evolving. The new realities created by these engines of change raise complicated challenges, such as the ethics of human-machine collaboration, how to plan for 50-60 years career, and how we liberate organisations through a continuum of talent sources.

The future of work will require the return of the Renaissance figure: a person with numerous talents, interests, and fields of study. It will require a combination of four critical work skills:

  • Digital tools and technology capabilities.
  • Comfortable with analytics and data
  • Business management skills.
  • Design and creative skills.

A report by McKinsey & Company, Generation Z “mobilises themselves for a variety of causes.” More than 30,000 French students from over 300 colleges have signed a vow to solely work for environmentally conscientious enterprises, demonstrating Gen Z’s noteworthy commitment to altering the world.

What does this signify for organisations looking to hire Generation Z? Employers must have a strong sense of purpose in what they do, allowing employees to feel as if they are improving society. According to the World Economic Forum, purpose is “the most powerful tool companies have at their disposal to meet the intrinsic needs of new talent.”

The path forward invites us to turn challenges and gaps into opportunities for deeper connection, creating the workplace of tomorrow, together. It’s clear that Gen Z seeks not just to have their needs met but to be acknowledged for their true selves, to be heard, supported, and offered the space to flourish both personally and professionally. By genuinely understanding and catering to these desires, organizations can craft an environment where every generation finds its place and thrives. This journey requires us to embrace diversity, encourage dialogue, and cultivate a culture of growth and understanding. As we navigate this evolving landscape, it’s about crafting a future that honours authenticity and fosters opportunities for all to succeed.

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