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What is One-stop Shop?

A “one-stop shop” in the realm of global mobility, immigration, and relocation is a comprehensive service hub that caters to all aspects of moving, from visa processing to settling in a new country. It streamlines the complex and often overwhelming process of relocating internationally by providing a single point of access for legal advice, paperwork assistance, housing solutions, and cultural integration support. This holistic approach ensures a seamless transition for individuals and families, simplifying their journey by addressing all their relocation needs under one roof.

While the concept has already been an active trend in the US market for the past couple of years, recruiter, and other experts have been reluctant to introduce it to the UK market for various reasons, like data breach etc.

It’s more about exchanging key touch points that come through the process than just the service mechanism and data transfer. Collaboration is the key. At the end creating an ecosystem with seamless integration of people and services with right technologies is critical for the success of this system. “It should ideally be more efficient and easier for client perspective than hassling with several contracts or terms and conditions, by the end creating system that acts as a leverage”, says Michael Weiss, Director, Global employer services, Global Mobility Advisor and Operational Services at Deloitte.

Daniel Halfpap, Chief Commercial Officer at Sterling Lexicon put it in few words as, “accessing the intersection of people, service and technology within the partnership industry is just essential.”

We work in ‘people-first’ industry, be it the clients or the transferees or the service providers and each of these components need to work harmoniously to build a seamless system. But we also need to remember that this is not ‘one size fit all’. Susanne Turner, Partner at Deloitte’s Global Employer Services in Immigration, emphasizes the importance of establishing a solid foundation, centralized under a single core contract, to facilitate consistent exchanges and achieve harmony in compliance efforts.

What changes have been observed over time?

Recent reports highlight the growing trend of adopting the one-stop-shop business model to minimize complications for all involved parties and stakeholders. Essential components of the business, such as technical, HR systems, technology solutions, and client solutions in compliance, have always played a crucial role. However, the collaboration between these services has significantly developed over time. Addressing pain points, looking a technological solution in an organisation has improved since COVID-19.

 For Clients:

The adoption of a one-stop-shop model is revolutionizing the way businesses address their needs, minimizing complications for all involved. This model ensures seamless integration of essential services – from technical support to compliance solutions, enhancing efficiency and collaboration. The advent of COVID-19 has accelerated the need for technological solutions, simplifying the navigation and coordination of global mobility requirements. For businesses, this means a single provider can manage all aspects of assignments, from large-scale deployments to intricate compliance and risk litigation, thereby streamlining operations and allowing a focus on core business objectives.

For Employees:

For employees engaged in global mobility, the one-stop-shop approach translates to a more empathetic and supportive transition process. Recognizing the emotional challenges of relocations, this model prioritizes the well-being of employees and their families, ensuring their needs are met comprehensively. From the outset, it involves clear communication, alignment with company culture, and careful consideration of personal circumstances, making the journey smoother and more predictable. This holistic support system not only addresses logistical requirements but also fosters a sense of belonging and stability amidst change.

For Service Providers:

Service providers play a pivotal role in the one-stop-shop ecosystem, offering specialized expertise across various domains. By closely collaborating with clients and understanding their unique business and personnel needs, providers can tailor their services for optimal outcomes. This involves a deep dive into the company’s strategic objectives, the intricacies of international deployments, and the nuances of employee experiences. The model encourages providers to be adaptable, innovative, and client-focused, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to the success of the assignments they support. Through valued partnerships, service providers can demonstrate their crucial role in mitigating skill shortages and facilitating talent development, ultimately contributing to the growth and adaptability of the businesses they serve.

How can we convince stakeholders through valued partnership?

Addressing critical skill shortages and the scarcity of specialists has become a cornerstone of business strategy. As corporations increasingly recognize the importance of talent management and global mobility, there is a shift towards taking these challenges more seriously. The rising costs associated with international and local hiring have led businesses to explore cost-effective solutions, including the development of comprehensive talent development programs. These initiatives aim to cultivate the required expertise internally, ensuring a sustainable talent pipeline for the future. More demands for retention growth of companies, new markets by finding new products.

What are the impacts of a single owner?

The key impact of having a single owner is the clear delineation of accountability and responsibility, ensuring a streamlined decision-making process. This approach fosters a transparent structure, emphasizing partnership and collaboration as essential components. Adopting a journey-centric mindset, it facilitates a strategic collaborative partnership, highlighting the importance of working together towards common goals.

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